Your subconscious doesn't know you're joking.

Stop using self deprecating humor.

It's programming you for failure.
Here's the thing:

Your subconscious mind is in control of up to 95% of your thoughts and actions.

It's programmed by everything you ever hear, read, say, do.

AND it is completely incapable of telling the difference between the truth and a lie!
It'll always take what you tell it as the truth.

And whatever it believes as the truth,

It will work to make true in your life.

The more you tell yourself you suck,

The more it believes it and makes it true.
So if you really want to make jokes about yourself...

Do so with self-edifying humor.

Make yourself sound better than you are.

Not only will this program your subconscious more effectively,

It'll make you come across as more confident socially too.

It's a win/win.
Your subconscious mind is far more powerful than your conscious mind.

Learn how to use it effectively.

Start by not speaking negatively about yourself.

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