It looks like I’m shitting on Azure and GCP a lot these days. Coming from over a decade of my career spent on AWS, I’ve come to bank on one thing - Rock. Solid. Infrastructure.
As a cloud practitioner, I spend a lot of time ensuring systems are prim and proper and things are humming fine. The most of my troubles are around dev centric issues - bad queries, performance, security, to name a few..,
I’m also a massive proponent of Managed Services..

They exist for a very specific reason - they take away the job of running the plumbing so we mortals can focus on the business.
If I have to worry about a managed service, the provider isn’t doing their job right.

Managing a MySQL server is not my forte. I pay a provider to give me a dB server that doesn’t falter.
If I have to worry if a managed service will stutter, the provider isn’t worth my money and most importantly my time!

I get it that tech will fail. I get it better than most can imagine. But failure should not be your standard offering. Unless it is..
If you cause cognitive overload after I pay you to run a managed service, it’s a serious problem!

It could be capacity issues with azure or general stability issues on GCP. The context switches to figure out why we had a shit -> Fan moment are not what my employer pays me for!
Maybe I’m a spoilt brat. Maybe I’ve been brainwashed into the AWS camp. But multiple experiences show that it’s not a case of mere fandom. It’s the developer experience on the platform.

A platform that just works. The factory defaults are good enough to take you one level up..
Why would I recommend GCP to anyone that asks me where to run their startups codebase off of?

And this is a question I get. A lot.

I have GCP credits!

NO! Throw it away!

Use AWS. Pay and get your stuff done!

Maybe azure even if enterprise is your poison. But not GCP!
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