Lots of polls today. Quick thread on new Quinnipiac poll:

At the moment Trump is losing. On job approval, on coronavirus response, on making people feel safe in their communities, and most of all, head to head with Joe Biden.
15% of Republicans say the country is *worse* off than 4 years ago and among Independents that’s 60-36. Trump is losing 65+ and college ed white voters in approval on the economy, Covid, overall job approval.
The trends over the last 5 months have been that voter views on the pandemic & overall job approval are more strongly connected to who the voter will likely break for in the GE than their economic views - which is the only area that Trump still barely has an edge over Biden on
Is Trump having an effect with his law & order message?

Not the way he thinks he is. 59% of college ed white voters say that Trump makes them feel *less* safe. He may be running up the score with non college white voters in the Rust Belt, BUT…
He is pushing more and more suburban voters away in order to placate his base and drive a false chaos message. More importantly this issue is ‘flattening’ the race - pushing more sunbelt states in play. Sunbelt has higher shares of coll-educated whites turned off by dog whistles
Biden is just about on par with where Clinton was among Black voters, BUT is leading 56-36 among Latino voters. Biden absolutely must make up the gap with Latino voters - something we’re paying *very* close attention to.
Head-to-head still shows Biden +4 among 65+ and +31 among college ed white voters. Trump still leads with 50-64 aged voters in much of this poll.

And 60% of voters have been or know someone who has gotten infected.
Big Question: When people begin voting this month, will they be thinking about the chaos message that Trump hopes will drive non college white voters away from Biden, OR…
Will they be thinking about Trump’s incompetence & failed management of the pandemic as illnesses rise again, and permanent business closure and unemployment set in?
We have to remember, Trump is doing everything possible to undermine this election. We cannot give him and his enablers a single inch - we need a *high* turnout election, and we have to stay vigilant.

62 days to go. We can see the whites of their eyes.
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