what an awesome idea for a book, sure would be a shame if a major big two publisher were to... appear to steal it whole hog and not even invite me to participate potentially because they knew it looked shady as fuck :)
i try to be exceptionally no- or low-drama in this industry because it can really mess with your career but like, yeah, idk... it blows! it is a bad feeling! I was warned about this weeks ago by kind friends so I'm not being blindsided but, yeah. Sucks to feel this way
Anyways my little book is about to get OBLITERATED in all search results from now until the end of time so good thing I already earned out on it I guess
There are tons of amazing creators involved in this DC book and many of them are my friends so you know, I support them and their work no matter what always, but yeah
Just to be super clear about this I don’t begrudge any creator involved with this book! They’re great people and deserve their bag 100000%!! There are folks at DC who know me, though, so that is what I find particularly upsetting, someone could have at least told me...
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