Being a poll worker, ensuring people understand voting process+that they have access to voting is something I’m passionate about. I volunteer and have done so for many years. I also drive people to the polls.

Thrilled to have Ava DuVernay as a fellow volunteer in this election.
As a queer woman the best way to protect my this foundational cornerstone of democracy for myself was to get involved and become a leader in the process.

And I’m passionate about recruiting young people/people of color and marginalized populations to volunteer along with me
So how might your volunteerism help.

When you have command of process, you can explain the process/help educate your communities

When you are in leadership with a county board of elections, you can make note of problems—lack of adequate polling stations/not enough equipment
You are then positioned to advocate to county and state leadership for resources.

When you have firsthand knowledge—knowledge=power. You can ensure that everyone in your sphere of influence is getting accurate information on the process.
You can provide accountability/oversight
If there are issues or one of your fellow poll workers is not conducting themselves properly—you can report them.

Finally many poll workers are elderly and COVID-19 poses undue threat/risk to their health. If you are younger/healthy,
This is a powerful civic act of volunteerism
for anyone who has made it to the end of this thread,
If you want to learn the history of the fight for the passage of the 19th amendment,
Including stories of queer women +women of color right here in Dayton Ohio—check out this locally made Documentary
This was a labor of love on the part of some progressive faith communities/YWCA/women’s league of voters,
The Miami valley quilters guild,
My own small business Holy Shift, LLC, the Ohio arts council and others.

Voting matters.
Your vote matters.
You can follow @HolyShiftDayton.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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