okay let's try it for the 300 follower special. under advice from @WeftOfSoul i will consult the well which always needs emptying. thus, the most humblebrag:

1 like = 1 truth.
1. the self exists, but only temporarily, fully contingent on everything else. it is not what many wish it were.
2. the greatest attenuation of grasping desire is achieved by recognizing what satisfying desire does for you.
3. the internal monologue is a recorded, lossy expansion of thought (which unites all sense-spheres into a single moment) for the benefit of privileging certain illusions about how the will works.
4. enlightenment is real and achieved in the modern age by people who hold regular jobs.
5. love is eternal, nondirectional, and fundamental, but its many expressions in our life are not.
6. logic is a gate to an a priori understanding of the way. while it is not inferior, it is less satisfying for the personality than the direct realization with the body.
7. good humor and metaphor are a great way to gently suggest that you are operating on multiple levels.
8. unprocessed trauma is held in subtle muscular tension. to the degree that beauty is a fruit of the contemplative life, it is in the release of these subtle contortions.
9. the precipice of madness is the moment where one questions the existence of the firmament itself directly.
10. crossing into madness is a requirement for intuitive understanding of the world as it is. crossing back to sanity is not.
11. the realized can easily detect one another, like seeing that there are others in the diner with you.
12. discerning how others became realized, or by what means, and to what depth they have integrated it, or chosen to behave morally is much more difficult.
13. if you were to compare the process to digging a well, drugs are like a long thin drill. good for penetrating tightly-packed or rigid obstacles, but a poor tool for a properly dug and sealed well.
14. the fractal of subtle influences on your mindstate, obstacles, and practice is unutterably vast. diet, sleep, air quality, hydration, and libido are arguably the most powerful gross factors.
15. the most excellent teachers have the ability to guess around the contours of these effects on you, but your ability to conduct simple experiments is the most efficient way to improve your life.
16. the koan is a nth-dimensional instrument that the practitioner reduces along the dimensions of understanding they have not yet realized exist.
17. demons and other malign entities are as much beings as you are. none are more afraid of this truth than the demons themselves. for this reason, they are deserving of the utmost compassion.
18. the ultimate level of reality encompasses within it all errors and illusions.
19. no one wisdom tradition is superior for all people or all temperaments.
20. the primary benefit of following a wisdom tradition's instructions is to reduce the degrees of variance between student and teacher. this makes it easier for the teacher to understand your position, trajectory, etc. if you want a guide or map, this is important.
21. if you are an intuitive practitioner, who began at a young age in isolation from a wisdom tradition, your path will always be your own. be very careful if you are ever later tempted to teach. you lack the benefit of sample size to de-personalize your techniques.
22. advertising or offering your services as a teacher or senior companion invites the risk that difficulties on the path will be exported onto you. carefully distinguishing your flaws and the limits of help that even the best teacher/guide/companion can offer can help.
23. conventional morality and its justifications are annihilated by insight into reality.
24. rebuilding morality from first principles is one of the surest ways to appreciate the vast wisdom that lies at the heart of human social organization.
25. there is much misunderstanding about the relation of meditation to contemplative practice. it is not the only way, and it is not simply quieting the mind, although there are traditions that focus upon that.
26. the ability to speak about enlightenment is in large part a feature of temperament, not level of realization.
27. physical reality is real.
28. most assessments of sentience, moral value, and sapience are really proxies for similarity to humans. this has its uses, but is not a sound basis from which to extend conclusions about moral activity or the nature of consciousness.
29. western philosophy is a wisdom tradition.
30. speaking in tongues and spontaneous kriyas are a natural, normal feature to experience as part of many contemplative practices. however, using them as a tool of deliberate practice is extremely difficult. it is unfortunate they have become an external fixation.
31. in a life on the path, one comes to believe many things with a sense of urgency and absolute devotion. one also comes to discard these beliefs, and to see how fervor comes about. it is prudent to practice forbearance in the indulgence of these convictions.
32. the parts of your conventional personality that you outgrow on the path are of a different kind than the ones you retain. others who still have and treasure those parts of themselves are not wrong, evil, or foolish for doing so.
33. there is no way out. though much changes along the path, you do not magically escape mundane concerns.
34. having your financial and interpersonal houses in order is extremely helpful while on the path. be thankful for anyone who suffers through your antics while you are on the path. it takes great patience to deal with deliberate madness.
35. psychospiritual development is more like a duty than a service.
36. concrete and crystallized notions of gender, sex, and orientation tend to be, but are not always, eroded by spiritual progress.
37. enlightened people still have sex drives.
38. many highly realized people are quite unpleasant. some are extremely poorly behaved, up to and including the commission of heinous crimes. this is not a contraindication of the depth of their insight.
39. existence is a category error.
40. no object is separate or distinct from anything else. the appearance thereof is the product of your sense-making apparatus.
41. the apparent coherence and continuity of constructed experience is an inaccurate representation of your raw sensory experience created by the tandem effort of an extremely sophisticated sensory apparatus and an overdeveloped learning protocol.
42. merely attending to the constructed experience long enough and steadily enough to see the many shortcuts employed to create it is sufficient to drive a great deal of insight.
43. the basic modern conception of self is derived from the same framework of the self that is formed around age 2 following the mirror stage.
44. the breakdown of this framework in the face of experiential data to the contrary is orderly and predictable.
45. one of the main purposes of wisdom traditions is to wrap the schematic of the breakdown of the self in a frame that limits radical or dangerous responses thereto.
46. the defining characteristic of modern western social-cultural philosophy is the idea that any universal frame for that purpose is illegitimate.
47. a common and regrettable pitfall of the recently realized is to believe that the solution for social problems is to formally prioritize universal frames that privilege the pursuit of fundamental insight.
48. an effective wisdom tradition accounts for multiple levels of realization, including none at all, to exist simultaneously as morally and socially acceptable modes of being.
49. deliberate manipulation of intentionality, most often in the form of magic is seriously dangerous. warping your constructed sensory experience toward specific earthly ends carries significant risk.
50. the problem is unrelated to whether magic works. when the goal is described and understood within the same lossy system that goal seeks to change, slight errors in goal or system require a cascade of perceptual warping if the goal is not surrendered.
51. black magic, here defined as magic intended to alter the systems of other beings, is abominable. even with the best intentions, it can only achieve its most immediate goal and at great cost.
52. forcing or causing realization is not excluded from black magic. where it works, it is often a net negative because it does not allow the individual to isolate or distinguish the durable factors of insight from the incidental features of the event(s) caused.
53. a major vector of increasing realization is the awareness of when one is using a given axiom. at a certain point of realization, conventional beliefs are reduced to the category of conclusions which can safely be drawn contingent on conditions that tend to prevail.
54. pain as such is much less unpleasant than the constructs we build around it.
55. most avoidant behaviors are designed to protect the existence of a personality created to make sense of the world for a developing brain.
56. along the path, there is a pernicious trap wherein one thinks one has always been at the current stage of development. journaling or path companions can help with this.
57. as the impoverishment of one's former moral axioms becomes unbearably obvious, moral action and the very notion of a conclusion can seem impossible. in these cases, it is worth remembering that it is easiest to be right in small things.
58. if you cannot forgive your own moral failures, you will never truly forgive others. instead, you will reduce them as you reduce yourself, to something complete and knowable, less rich, less complex, less beautiful.
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