The education system in this country works against the working class. No one can change my mind. Universities can have whatever outreach they want, but the working class of this country will find it far harder to get into university than one from a privileged background.
For example, let’s take the recent results cock-up.

Privileged families were far more likely to have the time, resources and knowledge to invest in appealing and/or securing a university place - irrespective of grades - for their child than working class families.
Privileged families tend to have more connections in higher up places, thus pulling strings could also have gained favour in their kids’ corner.

Working class families seldom have or afford such opportunities, leaving many w/c kids in limbo, and some without a uni place now.
On top of this, now talking from my own experience - with regards to Autumn examinations “retakes” - I cannot afford the time it will take to cover 2 months of missed content and revise a two year course while also working 30 hour weeks to keep a roof over my head.
Privileged kids are far more likely to have parents willing to support them financially for the two months it would take to prepare for, and take, the Autumn retakes. My parents cannot afford me that luxury, so retakes are not a realistic option either for the working class.
That leaves many, incl. me, in a nasty position.

My science grades (Chem: D, Bio: E) are a barrier stopping me from being able to study even Geography - which I got an A in at A Level - at Uni.

I’m stuck. Ofqual will not let me appeal with evidence. My college won’t revise my
grades. I do not have the time to commit to the retakes to ensure that my results are better. I’m genuinely stuck. I cannot go to university. That’s the bottom line.

My future has been stolen from me.
I’ve tried dozens of unis. I’ve fought tooth and nail with Ofqual to appeal.
Nothing. There’s been no budging. No leeway. Nothing. And the OU isn’t even an option, because I can’t get financial support for living costs, despite undertaking 120 credits - which is full time - per year. I’d have to scale back my current hours at work or I’d burn out.
Which means that I’d have about £400 income per month. Which wouldn’t even cover my keep, car expenses and prescription card cost, amongst other things.

Basically, I’m screwed. This government, my college, Ofqual... whoever the fuck, idk, they’ve completely fucked me over.

I want to fucking kill myself.
What makes this whole situation worse is that it just feels like 1) my mental health will forever define me, 2) my dad is stressing me out re: money & acting like this is all my fault, 3) my future has been decided based on exams I didn’t even take?

I’m sorry. It’s bullshit.
This whole existence is bullshit.

Everything is bullshit.

Why the fuck can’t I catch a fucking break, ever?

Just once, that’s all I ask. I’m at the end of a very long piece of rope here.
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