I used HC that @JohnBoyega's Finn was originally the main character and was meant for becoming a Jedi or something but now I'm REALLY convinced it was and Disney just caved in, rolled the dice and said 'We'll split the baby.' and gave it to Rey because it was more digestible.
I don't understand why Rey and Finn couldn't both be Jedi together? Them just learning The Force together, saving each other from The Dark Side together. Overcoming the Big Bad together. Like HOW COOL would it have been for both newbies Rey and Finn to go up against Palps?
Two nobodies, two 'weaklings' rising up against that force of evil?

Like...the impact of that alone would have been so momentous and amazing.
Like its deeper than Star Wars, its telling that minorities in Hollywood have to CONSTANTLY struggle to get a small speck of the limelight or have themselves be pushed out to the drooling hating masses to protect their white costars as if they can handle it better.
And its usually ALWAYS the BIPOC that get this...and its so unfair.

John deserved better, Kelly deserved better, Star Wars deserved better.

We deserved better.
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