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shadow work forces you to face your pain instead of running away from it. allow yourself to feel and understand the painful aspects of yourself, so they become fully integrated. the goal is to work in harmony with your shadow.
what is the shadow self?

in jungian psychology, the shadow, is either an unconscious aspect of the personality that the conscious ego does not identify in itself; or the entirety of the unconscious. In short, the shadow is the unknown side.
i always see people throw around the term โ€œshadow workโ€, without much clarification or advice on actually HOW to do shadow work, thatโ€™s why i made this thread! there are many methods, however i will share what works best for me.
my personal favorite method of shadow work is writing responses to shadow work prompts in a journal! here are some good prompts to spark this journey of internal healing and harmony:
if you could say one thing to the person whoโ€™s hurt you the most right now, what would you say? and why?
how judged do you feel on a daily basis? how much of that judgement is real and how much is imagined?
what is the best aspect of your life right now? what underlying fears do you hold regarding that aspect?
what qualities do you dislike about yourself? compare and contrast with the things you dislike about others.
describe a situation in which competition is healthy! then describe a situation in which competition is toxic.
what are you most envious of? what do you feel others envy you for?
write (in detail) about a time where your emotions were belittled, mocked, ignored, or downplayed.
write about your biggest fear. then, write a beautiful, uplifting poem about your biggest fear.
it can be very difficult to practice shadow work.

remeber dear, your guides, angels, and gods are all waiting for you to ask for help. when things become too painful for us, we can always turn to the divine.
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