I got loadshedding till 9, let's go.
If I don't know you or your tweet I'm just going to skip.
Friend why is that all the guys you have dated in have gotten ridiculously rich? Like they doing the most. If you have some time please date me so I can be rich too.☹️
If you weren't 26/27 I'd shoot my shot. Plus you in Pretoria, extra points. If you into guys younger than you hit me up.
Can't believe you got 1794 retweets on your pinned tweet. That time it's propaganda. But I love your tweets ❤️
I love your profile picture, you really pretty. This is not banter, but yes lighten up.
You have such a beautiful brand, Twitter is giving your so much support. Why isn't your product on every shelf.

Also you texted me asking me for information, I gave you the information you blueticked me, don't ask me for information again.
Miss you fam, we go back to the days at Tennessee. We used to be squad. I hope you good ❤️
I know you had a crush on me, the feeling wasn't mutual so I mized you. I'm sorry, hope you well though.
Can't believe you were hooking with my friend while he was in relationship and you were fully aware. Y'all are trash.
I don't have a new sub for you.

We should hang some more post covid so I can get new subs.
The night we played never have I ever on your IG I was pap dronk.
If you found me funny, I would consider having a cash heist for you. I will love you forever my crush.😭😭😍😍

It's a pity you won't catch this sub🤧
They say you don't know what you love until you have lost it. That's what happened with you. My engagement offer still stands.
Be honest you are getting paid to make all these anti Grand Pa/ Cocaine tweets and threads?👀👀👀

Thank you for being the sweetest and kindest person on the TL and sharing insightful tweets.
I started following you maybe a month or 2 ago. You are honestly 1 of my favourite tweeps.

Also please stop being broke ma'am, it's uncalled for.
Were you being honest I'm Saturday? Or was it just another way of saying "No"?
For the longest time I thought you were a man because of your avi.😂
But I have since realised that you are a Grootman, please plug me promo👉🏾👈🏾
Please hear me out😍😍😍
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