Some clarifications about radical feminism as currently there seems to be a lot of misinformation flying around.

Radical feminism is not an "ideology" it's an analysis and critique of patriarchy. Much like Marxism is an analysis and critique of capitalism.
The analysis of radical feminism is that the root of female oppression is the control/exploitation of female bodies as well as our relegation to lesser gender status.This is simply a lens through which to analyze culture. It's a structural critique of patriarchal social systems.
I clarify here for many who seem to be confused about this, including those who act as if radical feminism is a belief system, ideology, or social justice cause. It is not those things.
Again, it is not an ideology, philosophy, it does not prescribe a belief system, rather it is a structural critique of the existing power dynamics that keep women/girls relegated to a certain status and how that impacts our bodies.
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