💨• focus on purging yourself of old habits and sticky emotions. mother wounds is coming up and a need to start mothering your inner child the way it should’ve been growing up. this is a fresh start in healing feminine energy. stop being so scared to go to
through darker emotions you hold onto. it is so much pent up energy in your lower back/stomach. you may want to do a ceremony for real release, bringing light to hidden places and forgiveness. outgrowing traumas so you are being pulled to drop it
like a bad habit. seeing abandonment issues, shame, fear of feeling past pain. ask spirit to help you transmute this. create a sanctuary to process the fears, pain, stagnancy and prioritize finding ways to grow. singing, dancing and doing something
that lights your heart up is important right now. have some more fun in your life without overthinking 🌻 make time to express what you are going through. journaling will help you to let go of the old & help you stay optimistic. 👁 focus on making time for 💰
AND love in life. it doesn’t have to be either or. what do you want? manifest the partner you deserve. sexual energy is heightened as well. crying & expressing self brings in big blessings for you. affirm you deserve good shit. may see 3’s, 5’s & 8’s. 🧖🏽‍♀️
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