continuous thread of facts about led zeppelin that make them out to be the zaniest rock gods
during achilles last stand jimmy once got caught up in the pyrotechnics which flew him back a couple of feet but he never stopped playing and the rest of the band was thrown off
bonzo popped in a groupies shoe because she kept him up all night with her moaning
jimmy had a tropical fish collection and was very serious about it
onstage in 73 robert read jimmy a bad review and ended up laughing so hard because it said the band was the past so ended up rolling around on stage
robert and bonzo once got into a physical altercation because robert never paid bonzo back for gas money
bonzo once played naked and cole and grant had to grab him off stage before cops got to him
during rehearsals bonzo’s clothes once got stolen and the rest of the band decided to play in just their underwear to make him feel comfortable besides for jonesy who grabbed a shirt last second
bonzo and jonesy once drove a car into a lake to test if it was waterproof because everyone kept boasting about how it was
jimmy accidentally set fire to a toilet paper roll and was yelling for someone to come and save him
during the swan song launch party instead of filling the pool with swans they used geese which made the band was furious and robert screamed "we all live on farms! don't you think we know the fucking difference?"
bonzo tried hiding cocaine from robert in his drum kit which happened to be transparent
jimmy used to collect cars despite not being able to drive
the band was banned from hilton hotels because bonzo chopped up jonesy’s room with a samurai
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