I one time failed a code interview because I had been working on C and forgotten JavaScript that I had just got done spending full time on 6 months earlier. https://twitter.com/kvlly/status/1301184210556911618
Interviewer: “why are you using a for loop. Why aren’t you using JavaScript features like map?”
Me: I’ve forgotten how.
Them: you do know JavaScript, right?
Me: if you mean have I developed and deployed multiple major applications in JS? Yes.
If you mean “do I remember?” No.
Or as Henry Jones Sr liked to say: I wrote it down so I wouldn’t have to remember.

I’m constantly going back to old code I wrote to remember how I did something. I don’t think I could code on command if I tried.
Maybe I’m not a very good developer, but after a while there’s just a lot of APIs to remember.
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