you can expect full blown fascism regardless of who wins in November, because it has already taken root. trump is a byproduct of this, not the cause. faacism has taken root because it is foundational to the project of US settler colonialism and imperialism.
fascism is here. voting will not stop it. even if trump does leave office there are two likely outcomes: biden compromises aggresively republicans and capitulates his way into fascism; or he fails to materially deliver any improvements and the fascists seize power
does this mean roll over and die? absolutely not. it means connect with groups who are willing to stop it. trump is setting the stage rhetorically to basically call for a rounding up and killing of political opponents. *he will try to do this regardless if he wins or not*
trump is not going away. if he loses, do you think he goes quietly into private life? you think he loses credibility among his supporters? he has *fanatical* support among republicans. he has successfully purged all other elements from the party.
street fascists and copa sympathetic to him are *everywhere* of they are newly emboldened by his victory OR if they have a unified target against joe biden they will still be here
fascism only goes away if we force it to, by uprooting it and salting the earth. that is not hyperbole
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