PCOS runs in my family and here are the things i've learned about it:

1. doctors truly do not know how to act when you have symptoms of PCOS. it's egregious how *many times* women's symptoms aren't taken seriously by med professionals https://twitter.com/herworldlives/status/1301168279168450560
2. sadly, illnesses and syndromes that primarily are found in women are not given adequate funding. because of that, there isn't much research about PCOS. this makes it even HARDER to diagnose.
3. treatment for PCOS an be isolating, depending on your symptoms. many women get painful cysts that keep them out of commission or even land them in the hospital. some have acne or depression, which y'all KNOW loves to isolate the person it's afflicting.
4. PCOS is the OG hormone monster. an irregularity in hormones IS NOT IT CHIEF. it can make it harder to have kids, which can be devastating for future parents. often caused by an insulin resistance, what follows is a wild increase in testosterone which can aggravate symptoms.
5. because some ppl may experience 1 of the many symptoms, it usually takes longer than it should to be diagnosed. the more prolonged the diagnoses, the more at risk you are for developing more dangerous symptoms or conditions.
6. there isn't a cure for this! a lot of the time it's adapting different "lifestyle choices", but some ppl have success using birth control pills to bring back a regular period (irregular periods are one of the most common symptoms)
7. i'm not a medical expert, but having someone close getting diagnosed w/ it gave me so much insight that i NEVER learned (but should have learned) in health class/from my GP. listen to your bodies, advocate for your health, and believe women!
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