10 #pitmad tips for tomorrow!:

1) Post your fave pitch between 8-8:30. But never on the dot. Pin it immediately to your profile.

2) NEVER end your pitch with a question

3) I found most agent "likes" dropped off after lunch, so I made my best pitches my first pitches.
4) To gain traction, RT other writers' pitches so they RT yours. Not too quickly, though, or Twitter will lock you out. (From experience lol)

5) Your pitch must include 4 things. Your MC, her conflict, what she must do to resolve the conflict, and what she stands to lose.
6) Use description over nouns. Instead of “she meets a man named Joe,” try, “she meets a biker with a sneer.” We don’t need to know names. Not even your main character’s, so long as you describe him! Instead of 18yo Jaxon, I wrote, “An 18yo asexual assassin”
7) Put your comparison titles at the top in ALL CAPS (ex: GILDED WOLVES x NATIONAL TREASURE)

8) When in doubt, use this formula: “When THIS happens to MAIN CHARACTER, she must do THIS to stop it, or she risks losing THIS.”

9) Plan to be actively RT'ing in the MORNING (8-11am!)
10) Don’t use too many hashtags! You may look confused about where your book will fit in the market. Include your category and 1-2 genres. Ex: #YA #F #R for Young Adult Fantasy Romance

You can also add POC, OWN, or BVM if applicable. Check here!:

My success pitch (excluding comps):

When 18yo archenemies Jonah and Dylan wake up in 1 bed, ass-naked & very afraid, they have 3 objectives. 1) Fake-date until the gossip dies. 2) Avoid each other’s emotional baggage. 3)

Don't f*cking kill each other.

# pitmad # YA # R # LGBT
CLARIFICATION: The first tip is meant to be 8-8:30 EASTERN TIME. Please make sure to account for the time zone!

Wishing you all the best of luck tomorrow! :) And to anyone not participating, remember to NOT "like" or "heart" any pitches. Those are only for agents!
You can follow @findmeediting.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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