I would hate to generalize and say “Nigerians” are teaching me a lot from big brother but I was learned that... believe what people tell you about themselves in conversations about seemingly mundane things like - films, books, series and reality shows.

Let me list 5 things:
1. People have told me that they are taking sides (BBN) based on tribalism. A long time ago I argued with my dad, that “I doubt people vote leaders based on tribalism over logic”. I was wrong. And even now I see that in little things, tribalism seems to be a big factor.
2. There’s a big sympathy for poverty even when people are not necessarily right. I don’t understand it. Like you can get away with a lot if you use poverty as an excuse. How can you have a gf, attempt to cheat on her, get rejected by the new girl then resort to villianizing her
3. There’s a herd mentality and people don’t go the extra mile to verify information before they join the herd. Are you just following what people say or are you convinced that you believe in what you believe based on your research and understanding
4. People are threatened by what they don’t understand.
5. More and more the actions and the words are not in correlation when you think about people who post black boxes when it’s trending. How can you tweet “that you support women” but slut shame and hate a human being who did nothing but make a choice, all because she said no
Does no only mean no when it’s convenient?

Then calling people toxic because they refuse to swallow the hate and lies being forced down their throat

Mehnnn I really don’t know to be honest but this kind of hate makes me worry about perception of life and how we treat eachother
And one more thing... I think “niceness” scare us. Maybe we are too paranoid to believe that someone can just be genuinely kind. Maybe life taught us otherwise or maybe we believe that we should prey on nice people or they are not cut out for the world. I really don’t know...
But these are some super scary lessons I have learned from #BBNaijia or more specifically #BBNaijia2020 based on the whole Laycon, Erica and Kiddwaya saga!

I hope people find their humanity and learn to oppose each other without destroying someone else’s life or being derogatory
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