I'm very, very late to the messiness that is Cam Newtown, Kia Proctor, and homegirl IG model #178937786. But, I am disturbed.

The optics of these celebrity sidepiece/sidebaby/new chick dramas appear aggressively anti-black. It might just be me and my triggers.
Maybe if it didn't look like celebrity BM travel along a continuum from one end of Black Women to Non-Black women as they get more famous, MAYBE I'd think differently. Let me see a hopscotch man that just likes beautiful women. I'm tired of watching the same trajectory.
Y'all know I hate baseless internalized colorism projections onto lighter hued black people, BUT this is not that.

This is very, very aggressive and because of the power of celebrity, this practice has become the acceptable and aspirational dating standard of the 2010s.
Apparently, keeping up with the Joneses STILL means discarding Black Women after the initial come up/first round of children. I think it's worse than the practices in the 90s because of the ubiquity of non-Black women altering their bodies to MIMIC BW's bodies/faces. Offensive.
Outside of D Wade, who HASN'T done this?! Denzel and Samuel L. are literally senior citizens, they don't count, different era.
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