Cis people, I need you to understand that our genders as trans people are deeper and so much more complex than you could possibly imagine.

The minute you think you've figured us out is the minute you've lost.

There's layers we never really share with y'all.
Like I just retweeted something from a transfemme who signed up for an Onlyfans-like site who then labeled her a trans boy because she has short hair, breasts, and talks about being a boy a lot.

Because gender isn't as simple as even the cis people who accept trans people think.
Agreed, but with the way we categorize "cis" and "trans" I think the second a "cis" person really starts interrogating their gender, they'd be welcome to call themselves trans and probably would. "Cis" almost means "blind to the complexities of gender"
Guess what? A lot of trans women are into forcefemming!

I've met some trans guys into it too!

If that confuses you, you're too latched on to the limiting and wrong view of gender that cisheteronormative society feeds you.
Another example: I'm an agender woman.

"But doesn't agender mean genderless or no gender?"


"So how can you be a woman?"

The best attempt I could give to explain it is to use metaphors. All I can say is it's what my gender is. It doesn't need to make sense to you.
A lot of bad faith assholes might think this is just us trying to feel special or whatever

I assure you of my gender was simpler than what it is, I'd latch onto that & share it proudly

I'm describing what I found when I delved deeper into myself than any cis person could dream

Guess what I tell 100% of cis people my gender is?

Trans woman.

I'm lucky enough that that label mostly fits. Some of us have to make even bigger sacrifices describing ourselves.
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