Most bad leadership comes from a place of insecurity.

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If we don't address our insecurities we can't lead effectively.

Instead of genuine connection we will try to earn points on the scorecard to prove our worth.

To earn points and gain approval, we work "harder" which usually means we work longer.

We sacrifice sleep to gain respect.

We we don't sleep two things suffer:

1. Decision Making

2. Empathy

Exhaustion is the enemy of effective leadership!

We started by sacrificing sleep to gain respect. But, we got tired. When we're tired we end up making bad decisions and mistreating our people.

We can only break this cycle by addressing our insecurities and getting some sleep.

As a leader your job is to make good decisions and treat people right. That's it.

You can do those two things optimally if you're comfortable with who you are and well rested.

*Reflections from "The Knowledge Project" Podcast #56 with Shane Parrish & Daniel Gross

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