
I don't have a clinical practice. They still tracked me down.

It is exhausting but I respond to every single one.

I owe them a response.

They are desperate for something but can't access or afford the US #hearingaid market.

I've learned:

1. The current #hearingcare system is flawed and only meets the needs of a few

2. There is a role and need for #audiologists expertise in the over-the-counter hearing device era

What do I do? for those wondering.

1. I listen to and acknowledge their perceived #needs

2. I give them the best publically-available resources I can find

3. I refer them to an #audiologist in their area

Referring is the hardest part.

I trust the audiologist and I know they want to do best for patients but the #hearing care model is generally not built for this (unless they've been to @audresources bootcamp). The bottom line is not supported by a #patientfirst model

In addition, those with more severe losses deserve #hearingaid coverage under #Medicare as the OTC options will be @US_FDA regulated to meet the needs of those with mild/moderate #hearing losses

#equitable access to hearing care means different models for different needs

If @ChuckGrassley and @SenWarren ever want to see their Over-the-Counter #hearing aid Act succeed, they need to start considering the support services for patients necessary to make it thrive.

I'll get off my soapbox now.
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