Fall is coming.

Beware those who will pursue socially and economically destructive policies in the name of protecting your health and safety.

Beware those who will use rising cases to bring in a second lockdown (even if the first hasn't been fully lifted).


We've seen that case counts don't mean much.

Deaths and hospitalizations are much better metrics.

Demand to see these numbers before believing that things are worsening.
We've also seen that the risks of covid-19 are clearly concentrated among well-defined demographic lines: age and underlying medical conditions.

Policy responses should match the risk. Universal lockdowns make no sense.
We've also seen that covid-19 is not the end of times.
We've also seen that predictive models are useless.

Ontario's model predicted that over 1,200 ICU beds would be needed for covid-19 even in the BEST CASE scenario. In reality, it was a little over 260.

Even the number of total hospitalizations (ICU+non-ICU) didn't reach 1,200.
We've seen that lockdowns are useless too and even worse than the public health problem they are supposed to address. https://twitter.com/boriquagato/status/1299342109292605440
Renouncing a second lockdown is progressive.

Enacting a second lockdown is regressive. https://twitter.com/Milhouse_Van_Ho/status/1299355838159749122
We've seen from countries like Sweden and Japan that lockdowns are not necessary. https://twitter.com/Telegraph/status/1299503229068283906
Don't believe the haters.

Sweden has done well.

The best way to tell is to compare Sweden with its most similar neighbour: Sweden of the recent past. https://twitter.com/HaraldofW/status/1292805411016454146
Sweden is the way forward. https://twitter.com/gummibear737/status/1300119637888204800
Franklin Templeton–Gallup: "we find a gross misperception of COVID-19 risk, driven by partisanship and misinformation, and a willingness to pay a significant “safety premium” that could affect future inflation."

Hysteria-based policies centring on lockdowns are not only ineffective, they are deadly. https://twitter.com/Milhouse_Van_Ho/status/1300406763494178817?s=20
We need a rational and humane policy approach centred on:

1. protecting the vulnerable, particularly those in long-term care homes; and
2. herd immunity among the relatively young and healthy.
Don't take my word for it. Dr. Gupta is but one of many reputable scientists advocating for herd immunity. https://twitter.com/Milhouse_Van_Ho/status/1299739816591069186?s=20
You are not alone.

Do not trust anyone who uses phrases like "The Science" or "The New Normal". They are wolves in sheep's clothing. https://twitter.com/OBusybody/status/1292638363091193857?s=20
And there are many more fine scientists willing to counter the prevailing narrative. https://twitter.com/FatEmperor/status/1298749955260256258?s=20
Above all, don't forget:

This is your life.

You only have one.

No one has the right to entrap you while your best years pass by.

We do not live in an escape room. https://twitter.com/Milhouse_Van_Ho/status/1300171433918844929
You can follow @Milhouse_Van_Ho.
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