Thread: A few 'lessons learned' after my experience w/ a trailer load of produce/dairy I had & distributed over the last few days:

- There is nowhere in #YYT to refrigerate 24 pallets of food on a moment's notice. If so, they don't answer phones on Friday afts.
- Our food banks don't have ability to receive & distribute produce/dairy.
- CFSA is operating well below it's capacity - our foodbanks & residents are suffering greatly because of it.
-There are thousands of people desperate to provide healthy food to their families but can't
Once word got out we were handing out free produce/dairy, families showed up in swarms. Non-profit daycares, foster mothers, seniors, families of 5+ kids leaving w/tears in their eyes. Many didn't know about mangos, blackberries, avocados, leek; we were giving out recipes.
We had dairy there that hadn't been refrigerated overnight & folks were desperate to take it - better that than non at all. It was heart warming and heart breaking all at the same time. We operate a food line & will deliver hampers from foodbanks to disabled clients. Last week...
A hamper we delivered had a can of soup, a can of beans, & package of date squares for a family of 3. Families are only able to get 1/month.

Gov't has to put more resources into building better infrastructure. We're failing our people by making healthy choices impossible 4 them
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