The majority of mainstream discussions about transgender people are had by people who aren't trans. Anyone who knows what it's like to belong to a minority will understand why this is a problem - i.e. when only men talk about women's rights, only white people about black rights.
If you're convinced there is a conspiracy going on - like men's rights activist believe feminism is set out to destroy men, that BLM is set to destroy white people or that all trans people aren't who they say they are - you won't be able to see the problem with this paradigm.
Understanding how minority issues are discussed in the mainstream media and what influences people to be against equal rights for minorities is the foundation of understanding how oppression works in society. Being able to apply this to issues unrelated to you is key.
If you see yourself as a feminist, you have to be able to recognise how the same tools that have been used against women for centuries are now being used against trans people. The enemy here isn't trans people - it's a system that has convinced you that they are.
So please try and consider where these theories and arguments are coming from - because to anyone who is able to step outside of it can see that it's being lead by the very forces that would deny you your rights in a heartbeat. They are not your friends and will not protect you.
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