This is not a subtweet: If you are a person who doesn't want society to change and shift to providing things like student loan forgiveness or universal healthcare simply because *YOU* didn't have access to them, I'm sorry, but you're part of the problem. Sit and ask yourself
why *YOU* would want others to continue to suffer simply because *YOU* may not have had the access to the benefit that's being proposed to help future generations. We are the caregivers of this society and it has ALWAYS been part of the American Dream to make life EASIER/Better
for future generations. It was always one of the principles the founding fathers sought to achieve. I'm saying this AS SOMEONE WHO PAID OFF THEIR OWN STUDENT LOANS. I do NOT want future generations to struggle and be burdened by unfathomable debt. I do NOT want students
to suffer needlessly for the greed of others. I do NOT want a society that further seeks to set our youth up for failure before they even have the chance to start out in life! I do NOT want people who cannot afford health insurance to be unable to access preventive care
I do NOT feel people who have been PURPOSELY disenfranchised by a society BUILT on making the rich richer and the poor poorer should suffer needlessly or have their health impacted due to poverty. Imagine being born to or ending up in a situation outside of your control
Imagine being powerless to see to your own health or get adequate care when you need it because this society would rather give tax breaks to the wealthy elite and corporations rather than help it's most vulnerable citizenry ALL while denying them assistance and benefits that
could save lives. As a human a fellow citizen of this nation, how can you RESPONSIBLY turn your gaze from the suffering of others? If this nation taxed the elite their fair share there would be more than enough to support those who need help. I am not wealthy...
I am not a politician. For all intents and purposes, I would be considered lower-middle class because, like most Americans, I am one paycheck away from financial ruin. I work paycheck to paycheck LIKE most Americans do. But I DO have a unique perspective where I work in the
healthcare industry. At the end of the day, we ALL need to help one another prosper. At the end of your life do you want to be someone who cared about the well being of others, or someone who was so selfish to not give a damn? The choice is yours!
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