TW // Killing Stalking , mentions of abuse , toxic relationships , sexual assault

I'll say it again and again, DON'T romanticize Killing Stalking, Yoonbum and Sangwoo had a very VERY TOXIC and ABUSIVE relationship. This is due to the fact that both of them had a very messed up +
childhood, Yoonbum being abused, and Sangwoo being sexually assaulted by his own mother. Sangwoo used several people including Yoonbum, that looked like his mom to "repeatedly torture" her as "revenge" so THERE IS NO LOVE IN THE STORY. Even the author said it themselves +
that there is little if not, no love to the story at all.
The girl already apologized for posting that video so don't go around and attack her, educate people instead, she calmly responded to the duet and took her video down.
I'll end this thread by saying, PLEASE If you or you know someone is a victim of abuse, please seek help from a friend, a family member, or literally anyone you can trust and feel safe with.
You can follow @seungilluvsyou.
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