You don't have to be attracted to people of your own gender to be bisexual.

You don't have to believe there's an 'opposite' to your gender, let alone be attracted to that.

As far as we're concerned: bisexuality is attraction to more than one gender. That's it.
As an organisation we were founded to spread that simple clear definition.

We don't mind if bisexuals see their personal "more than one" as two, 4, 1½ or in terms of diametrical opposition.

But we stand against non-bi people telling bisexuals that 'more than one' is not valid.
When we set out our new definition there was no consensus in the bi+ community and laughable paragraphs of waffle from LGBT organisations.

We wanted, and still want, it to be as easy as possible for people to recognise themselves in the definition of their sexuality.
More than ten years later, and our definition is becoming widespread.

Thank you to everyone who uses it and propagates it.
You can follow @bisexualindex.
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