
i guess my final thoughts regarding the blackface patricia issue is that: this sort of situation truly shows how even when you do try to explain it, and really break it down for people, there are some who understand but then there are others who refuse to understand.

like even if it is a cultural difference, i'm pretty sure racism is universal. yes, it's PROBABLY experienced differently in another country compared to our own, but it's still racism, yknow?

& that's what blackface is. it's racist, regardless if it was intentional or not.

i only hope more fans would understand how much this hurt black fans in the community & that they should learn from this experience how tired they r misrep'd by either william being whitewash'd, patricia's blackface or a combination of the fact they r mostly based on stereotypes
it's really disheartening how time and time again, when they speak up about it... it's always met with some sort of "backlash" how there's a cultural difference when it's usually just... racism at hand.

i don't know, man, just don't shut down their voices like that.
i shall end this thread with: thank you to those in the fandom who did come to understand why it was wrong to have the clearly fair skinned japanese actress blackface for patricia, and i hope this manner of understanding would spread around more often to others in the fandom.
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