doing some teaching prep on Romantic poetry, flicking through the Norton Anthology, and look the fact that Wordsworth wrote a poem called 'Nutting' is just very funny, it is just very funny to me
'but the hazels rose / Tall and erect, with tempting clusters hung, / A virgin scene!'
'and I saw the sparkling foam,
And - with my cheek on one of the green stones
That, fleeced with moss, under the shady trees,
Lay round me, scattered like a flock of sheep -
I heard the murmur and the murmuring sound,
In that sweet mood when pleasure loves to pay
...Tribute to ease; and, of its joy secure,
The heart luxuriates with indifferent things,
Wasting its kindliness on stocks and stones,
And on the vacant air.'
then he wrecks the hazel bower, absolutely wrecks it. tell me this is not
'Then, dearest Maiden, move along these shades / In gentleness of heart; with gentle hand / Touch - for there is a spirit in the woods.'
In conclusion, in this essay I have shown
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