tw // ed , ana , ana coaches
so, i recently got a random dm from someone in a ed discord server saying that she had a friend who needed someone to coach, obv i was extremely sus about them and i said yes to investigate further. (big brain move, i know) and heres where it starts+
+ so upon meeting so called 'coach', they asked me for my stats (weight n stuff) and for body check pics.* i gave fake stats and asked if they could post a bodycheck image first, and they did. i later asked them their age and they said they're 16. I am 13.+
+ i asked if they were okay with it and they said yes. i asked them their preferred pronouns and they seemed confused and asked what gender i am, so i said girl and they said same (could be fake) and they then again asked for bodycheck images.+
+ so i sent a random one off of google as i am not stupid, and they asked me to pose like them (v suggestive poses and all the bodycheck images they sent to me were in a bikini.) and would not stop asking. this is where i said "okay lemme see what i can do" and got screenshots+
+ of them doing pedo stuff. i sent them to any admins that were online and asked for the other 'students' @'s. they would not let me have them until i either went on call with them or sent a video of myself. so i told them i couldnt bcs it was 4 am. they ignored me and i+
+ send dms to all the server owners and mods that i knew that were in ed servers to help other people be safe and avoid this asshole. i then blocked them, and here we are now. (end of thread) #edtwt #proana #notprojustusingtags #thinspo #meanspo #sweetspo #proed
the pedo vv
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