How is it possible that the market is at historic highs IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC? Where does that wealth come from?

Maybe it's taken... from you?

The market (taking S&P500 here) is up 4% since its max before the pandemic.

But before going up, it had lost ~35% in a month, from Mid February to March 23rd.
That's despite unemployment being 2.5x higher
And several industries, such as clothing, restaurants or travel having tanked.
That announcement looks nice:
"The Federal Reserve is committed to using its full range of tools to support households, businesses, and the U.S. economy overall in this challenging time"

But don't be fooled.
What's really going on?
This also has the effect of lowering interest rates, which are at 0% right now. But because there's inflation, they're in fact below 0% ("negative in real terms").

It's as if you had to pay the bank for it to keep your money.
You'd imagine if all of that had succeeded and US companies were healthy, there would be a run to buy them from all over the world.

But everybody is selling the US Dollar
Why? Because it's worth less now with all this printing.

When a government prints money and lends it at 0% interest, it's as if it was giving $ away.

Those who get it are richer, and all the rest are poorer. But we don't notice because we're not tracking the USD value every day
The ppl who have $ know this, so what do they do with theirs? They invest it in the stock market, in gold, in bitcoin, in real estate... In anything that's not cash in the bank because that's losing value like there's no tomorrow.
So basically the government takes money from the hoi polloi, who leave their cash in their bank accounts, and puts it in the pockets of those who are invested in the stock market.
This has been happening since the gold standard was eliminated in 1971, which is also one of the key sources of inequality growth since the 1970s.

But since 2010 the Fed has realized it can print $ without inflation, so it's off to the races. 
Corollary: If, over the long term, you're not investing most of your $ in the stock market, the government and investors are taking advantage of you.

(But don't go investing all your $ right now. Go slow. There might be a crash coming. You never know. You can't time the market)
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