1. Those who are parroting 'sex work is work' from a comfortable position of believing that they will never be compelled or coerced into making that 'choice' need to be careful what they wish for.
2. If 'sex work is work' then those 'tasks' that are included within the remit of 'sex work' become legitimate work-based tasks that can be attached to any job description and can be asked of any employee.
3. Want to get a job as a PA? Job description now includes giving your boss blow jobs and hand relief.
4. Want a job in hospitality? Job description now includes anal sex with clients where that is part of the hospitality 'package' provided.
5. Want a job in healthcare? Job description now includes procuring other 'sex workers' for patients whose holistic care demands that ALL their needs are met.
6. Want a job in education? Job description now includes demonstrating to the class and giving practical coaching in techniques.
7. When 'sex work is work' the activities within 'sex work' become legitimate activities of employment that can be asked of anybody.
8. I don't need to understand this in order to comprehend the cruel falsehood of 'sex work is work'. But those who cling to this lie might reflect on the full implications of that statement.
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