For me, this is the summary of the whole romance/finance matter. Don’t let people tell you, you don’t have enough money to love, because they have rigid, consumerist ideas of what romance should be.
If you’re currently surviving on your own, it’s hard to say you can’t afford romance. What exactly is in romance that you can’t afford? Is there an expensive mandatory licence? Sure money makes things far easier, and gives you a wider reach, but within your space, you can love
People with income orders of magnitude lower than you manage to find love, but sure, you NEED money for romance.
For me, it’s kind of a lazy cop out. I think romance these days is reduced to cliched, glamorous displays, that’s why you think you must have money for romance. Obviously, if you don’t have money, you can’t buy your partner a flagship phone, or a designer fragrance, or go on a

But romance exists outside of luxuries like this. Even discounting intimate activities you can share with your partner, there are affordable ways to be romantic. You don’t need a lot of money to cook your gf her favourite meal, or to buy your bf a knockoff jersey of
his favourite player in his team, or some random item they need. At whatever level you are, there’s something you can do to show how much you care.
I’ve had this opinion for a very long time, but I’ve also experienced it. The most valued gifts I’ve received are not the most expensive, but rather the gifts that reflected that the person gifting paid a lot of attention to me.
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