Always separate the man/woman from the work. When have you ever suffered mistreatment from a member of staff but then said “but to be fair he’s actually amazing at accounts though!”

Don’t do the same with music. Stop putting musicians on pedestals please.
Prime example for me was Pun. I was HUGE Big Pun fan. But when you see the video of him pistol whipping his wife, no amount of artistry can excuse that. I need my musicians to make great music AND be decent people. That’s not a lot to ask in my opinion.
and that’s how it starts. If I start to forgive that behaviour in my favourite artists or chalk it down to “everyone is allowed to make mIsTaKeS” 😐 ....then I can’t speak on people on my circle if I find out they’re doing the same thing.

That’s not a mistake my guy.
Lots of acts I’ve literally had to throw in the metaphorical bin because, I need consistency, especially as a parent and as an educator. Can’t get caught looking like some hypocrite teaching my kids one thing but sanctioning behaviour all in the name of “it’s entertaining”
Not even talking about the storytelling which happens in art. I’m talking about when you hear the stories or the accusations again and again and where it would only take one story about that Uber driver to make you reconsider getting in the vehicle, you ignore years of it in art.
That’s the pedestal that’s not cool. Not one person here is sending their loved one in a cab with a driver who has an allegation. Let alone an actual conviction of sexual assault. Never have I heard “oh those customers were probably lying bro”
Too many incredible artists in the world who don’t do fuckry to feel like you HAVE to pledge lifelong commitment to the ones who do. Give your patronage elsewhere. #CounterCulture
Sometimes the story that you hear first. Is not the first time it happened. It’s just the first time they’ve been caught.
A lot of the problems of the music industry are actually not financial ones but are ethical ones.
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