1) I’m not straight up calling a top here: merly pointing out on if the many reasons very few excellent traders can or even try to catch exact tops and bottoms of cycles.
2) they condition us to very bad trading behavior. It’s like a diet and gaining weight. U never notice u have a problem until that pair of pants is tighter.
3) you forget to take risk capital out of a winning trade and let it all run with no mental stop loss because it’s worked for weeks over and over.
4) u don’t consider hedging way out in time because it’s been a waste of money. U don’t journal anything because why? U need to get in that next pump.
5) I could go on with comments like taking bad RR setups because they keep working. Or telling yourself you’ll just hodl these 25 ETH cause it can’t go that low right?
6) I’m reading at the $SUSHI fork $Kimchi will let the founder have his way with you via a code “issue” this reminds me of how this cycle may cool off.
8) everyone was chasing the newest exchange with the hottest fastest pumping ICO listing. Raiblocks/NANO made millionaires until it was all gone. Check the date of that article. Things didn’t go well for a few years after that. Etherdelta was Uniswap. Just be fast and smart.
9) This may be the “coup de grace” for the short term if it happens. A $BTC farming exit scam. https://twitter.com/kaiynne/status/1301036202888327168?s=21 https://twitter.com/kaiynne/status/1301036202888327168
10) with truly the utmost respect; case in point for this thread. Trading has been sooo reliable for sooo long. Look at your accounts people. Honestly, how much USDT do u have to BTFD if it happens? Just saying :) https://twitter.com/redxbt/status/1301080900705357825?s=21 https://twitter.com/redxbt/status/1301080900705357825
You can follow @Double_Irish_D.
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