@ cat's fic // in order for human wei ying to grow reproductive organs by alien lwj's spit i am trying to come up with a theory with the help of the process of angiogenesis / arteriogenesis
first we have to establish the dna replacement by lwj's spit which would also act as a stimulant for hormone secretion and then the organ itself would grow from scratch and starts from specialized cell growth
so then it would cause some changes / aches and wwx would totally not notice this but lwj would and he would also smell it / the fertility when it's ready / the compatibility in general. and there would have to be a channel from the organ to an exit hole which would have to grow
but because it is lwj's species that reproduce with eggs, it's only meant to host eggs, there is no need for human reproductive function (no placenta thingies), and no need for those hormones except for the growth of the organ ?
and now i have to google how chickens have eggs
in the alien world the eggs get fertilized a bit before they leave lwj's body and go into the womb to incubate but it's just the warmth and space they require after.
(insert here the process of lwj smelling the different phases wwx is in and so on, that affecting him in turn)
or then somehow the thing that wwx's dna is needed for them as well and maybe lwj gets that from his whatever bodyily fluids
then for my favourite bit: lwj's spit / about the dna replacement. i'm playing around with the thought of: the function of a retrovirus because "after infecting a cell, a retrovirus uses an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to convert its RNA into DNA"
so basically alien lwj's spit is a biochemical weapon (thanks cat) which he uses to make compatible wei ying grow a new organ for him to lay eggs in and also the fertilization process LMAO
it's an irreversible change that it causes in the body so it would make sense it has roots in the dna. some retroviruses cause cysts/cell growth so in the magical land of aliens it could grow an organ. (but i don't have the time to research and make any further sense of that.)
then going back to my original point abt having a newly formed channel for the eggs to go in and out. the human body has a function (for example) to create new arteries around a blockage so i thought maybe there's some basis to that but i haven't figured it out yet
the new organ would grow somewhere in between /below the intestines and it would need blood flow to keep it vitalized (maybe artery gowth here), and then it would also somehow create the channel (which would later be stimulated with hormones) and lead it to the existing hole
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