The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody report will be 30yrs old next April. That's a whole generation, but the recommendations still haven't been implemented. Our people continue to die because of the governments failures. #RCIADIC
It's important to remember the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody was called because of Black activism. There was mob-led movement after 16-yo John Pat died in 1983, followed by more deaths in custody. Aunty Helen Corbett took it to the UN in 1987. #RCIADIC
The Royal Commission looked at 99 Black deaths in custody between 1980-1989, with so many deaths before that which go unrecorded. Black deaths in custody have been happening since invasion. Theres now been more than 439 Aboriginal deaths in custody since #RCIADIC report in 1991
#RCIADIC has a lot of important history about prisons in this colony, how racism & violence towards blackfullas is built into the walls of the justice system here since invasion. Police were the ones forcibly removing our kids for #StolenGenerations
#RCIADIC made 339 recommendations. It’s said 78% of recs are implemented, but its a gammin review which only interviewed Governments. It says that Rec 60 (ending police violence & racism) has been fully implemented...this is not true
We know this because of the violence still being inflicted on our black bodies today. Here's an independent review of the #RCIADIC recommendations which tells a totally different story. The recommendations are not even close to being implemented 
If #RCIADIC recommendations were implemented we know our Mum would still be here with us today. Rec 79 was for all states & territories to abolish the offence of public drunkenness. Today, still Victoria & Queensland have not (although Victoria has made the commitment)
#RCIADIC made many recommendations on health care in custody. The Guardian #DeathsInside found most black deaths in custody from 2008-2018 was failure to get adequate medical treatment.
Again we see the same recommendations from #RCIADIC report in 91 - To have all hanging points removed. But in 2020 corrective services say “it’s a heritage listed building and difficult to make changes to the architecture of a heritage listed building” #JusticeForTaneChatfield
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