#WIPWorldBuilders Day 1:

I'd be a spell that uplifts & boosts the moods of the intended targets.😁

And I'll answer for my Book 2 WIP since that's when magick starts playing a more prominent role. If Book 2 were a spell it'd be one that constantly takes the targets off guard.
#WIPWorldBuilders Day 2:

Yes, magick does exist in my world & only ppl of the various magickal species can wield it.

I'm going to focus specifically on the Babaylans in this thread b/c my MC Mel is one. Babaylans are chosen by the 🇵🇭 gods & imbued w/ powers by those gods. 1/2
Day 2 (cont)

Gods usually only choose from certain bloodlines, but there are cases where gods pick from seemingly random lines. Mel is from a bloodline the gods have chosen from before and she comes from a long line of Babaylans who can be traced back to before colonization. 2/2
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