2020-09-02 #COVID19Victoria #DailyUpate
#Summary in #DataViz


7-day rolling average #NewCases (Top) ⬇️
3-day #TestPositiveRate (Bottom) ⬇️&<1%
(1% positivity line added FYR)

( #NewCases among #HCW & Non-HCW next) https://twitter.com/VicGovDHHS/status/1301019855391399937
2020-09-02 #COVID19Victoria #DailyUpate
#Summary in #DataViz


7-day rolling #NewCases for HCW and the rest of the community:

Non-HCW (Top)
HCW (Bottom)

Heartfelt gratitude to our HCW, help them save lives by #StayHome if possible

(Daily cases #UnderInvestigation next)
2020-09-02 #COVID19VIC #DailyUpate
#Summary in #DataViz


Daily #NewCases
among which Cases #UnderInvestigation

🧐The % of daily #NewCases whose infection source needs #Investigation may help reflect how deeply #COVID19 is embedded in the community

( #FatalityRate next)
2020-09-02 #COVID19VIC #DailyUpate
#Summary in #DataViz


#ActiveCases (Top)
#Hospitalized & #CaseFatalityRate ( #CFR) (Bottom)

Latest #CFR in VIC: 3.00% (a new record high, but increasing at a slower rate 🙏)

(global #CFR next)
2020-09-02 #COVID19 #DailyUpate
#Summary in #DataViz


World CFR: 3.27%
(VIC: 3.00%, see previous in this thread)

Countries differ on important relevant factors (e.g., #AgeStructure & #TestRate) that would affect the comparison of CFR.

( #CommunityTransmission next)
You can follow @mena_wang.
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