ppl with anxiety shouldn’t have to present in front of their class if they aren’t comfortable 😁
i was lucky enough to have a teacher last year that we had a shit ton of projects to present but said i didn’t have to present if i wasn’t comfortable enough and that submitting it and and privately walking her through the project was good enough, but schools seriously need to
fucking stop with forcing every kid to present and if they don’t they fail. it’s so fucking draining presenting stuff in front of my classes and makes me so insanely anxious it is not fun
there was another post like this that blew up earlier, but they deleted it because of the insane amount of comments disagreeing with them and just a little heads up if you do disagree, answer these questions: do you have anxiety? yes? wow! that’s great that you are
comfortable with presenting in front of people i wish i could be like you. no? shut the fuck up. your opinion does not and will not matter.
the amount of people commenting about their teachers not caring,,,, the amount of teachers i’m about to beat up is insane
gonna be the last thing i add to this thread but omg this is so exciting i haven’t had a banger tweet in a while if you see this tweet you literally have to watch glee no exceptions
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