
First they passed the civil rights act in 1964 that prevented private entities from discriminating.

Then they passed the 1965 higher education act which subsidized education causing prices to rise because Universities no longer had to compete.
Then they prevented you from proving yourself to get a job by calling IQ or aptitude tests discrimination.
(Griggs v Duke Power) 1971

Then companies used college degrees as the new standard because they could no longer test applicants and needed another way to pre-screen.
This subsidization and misapplied market incentive corrupted education and started the big business of higher education lobbying to...ask for more subsidization, which in turn made colleges want to turn out more degree paths for to get more cash.
The guarantee loans (sally may) federal student loans begin and grow to astronomical heights.

Some tell employers to stop asking for degrees because it doesn’t make any sense, but they can’t because anything else would be discrimination or require too much opportunity cost.
Now they want to abolish SAT and ACT entrance scores based on “discrimination” yet again.

Can anyone with half a brain cell tell me what this will cause?
Finally, your shitty egalitarian doctrine.

Your fear of private business telling others they don’t like to go away has created the largest economic bubble in human history. It has destroyed education & private capital. It has created a generation of certifiable lunatics.

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