but anyway yes! I used to make music! a lot actually, it was my greatest passion in life for a very long time. I even went to college right out of high school to study composition, though that didn't pan out for... reasons >_> (thread)
I wanna go ahead and link a couple playlists here if that's cool with y'all. I have more music out there than these two yt playlists, but I'm pretty sure all of the rest of it exists as short audio posts on tumblr and short videos on my channel that were never really documented
here's the playlist full of what I considered to be my best or most interesting original works when I put it together. this music doesn't have any ties to fandoms or whatever, it's just straight up original outta my brain https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr7IZN94_Wgt5t8dCEeRvEL1wBcCuWKkH
and here's the playlist full of my music that got the most attention, which it did because it was all related to homestuck (wild fuckin' webcomic, huge online back in the day, etc., read at your own risk) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL38FD446BA0F64978
some of the music in the homestuck playlist was made via a trade with the artist who created my official channel art. I lost touch with her ages ago, but her deviantart is still up and I would absolutely recommend lookin' around https://www.deviantart.com/artisticapparition
the trade was that I made some character themes for her homestuck fan-characters in exchange for the channel art. I still to this day that the trade wasn't really fair, that I got the better end of the bargain by a long shot, but she insisted and I happily agreed to it all
I don't really wanna talk about my history with music production as a whole in this thread, but if you're curious go ahead and ask away and I'll gladly talk about it all with you. it's hard to condense many many years of history into a twitter thread lmao
if you're still reading this, thank you for doing so, I appreciate it. I guess the last thing I wanna say is that my primary inspirations back in the day were Megaman soundtracks and music by Yanni. and if you don't know who Yanni is, please go listen to his stuff
I'm serious, Yanni was huge back before and around the time I was born, I would extremely highly recommend you look into his music. just do it, please, it's amazing
okay that's it i think im done now. moral of the story is music is gr8 :>
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