If you’ve known me for years and you’re confused about all these sudden posts in support of Trump2020 - don’t you think the best thing to do is to have a discussion privately with me about it? Instead of passively aggressively subtweeting or cancelling me from your feed?
It’s like no one has any loyalty to the fact that I’ve formed solid meaningful relationships with them because of who I’m voting for. Sorta sad, but then at the same time - maybe I was wrong about the “solid meaningful” part
I mean, I used to be a liberal democrat for God’s sake, I used to have meaningful conversations about politics with my peers all the time whether I disagreed with them or not, there was still a level of respect and dignity and hearing the other person out.
But u can put me away or cancel me or whatever, who am I anyway? Just some dumb girl from your school who moved back to her conservative hometown to settle down. Who you probably think is just molding into the conservative housewife role and going along with her spouse’s views
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