Huge amount of the increase in antifa violence ~ numbers of participants, intensity, etc~ is mimetic; ppl who were too young or too out of it to participate in ‘16 spent the last 4 years (a long time to young person) stewing & nows their chance to prove they’re the real thing
& when the mimetic model is subversive, proof of authenticity lies in acting out harder, more aggressively than those around you.
That nothing like this is happening on the Right proves the Cville meta-narrative totally wrong, btw. It doesn’t have this subversive quality. In fact you’re seeing the opposite on the AltRight; deeper, better takes, discipline, mutual respect, honesty, etc
There were some aspects of this subversive mimesis early on in the AR for sure. They creep in anywhere young, marginalized ppl are. But character is showing ~ overall they are the subversive force. Where they seek alienation as social proof of belonging, we seek to integrate & ..
Cohere. Our marginalization is imposed & we want to break that yoke, while they would literally lose identity if they didn’t *feel* marginalized (a just society can only marginalize/exclude these ppl on its own terms)
Rightism as a meta-meme is about pursuing Supra-normality so that authentic achievement & excellence can have a context to thrive in. Leftism ultimately is *about* finding pretexts to destroy that possibility so you won’t be judged by Reality
I think Right energy can’t be given full life outside an explicitly Christian context fwiw, but anything we can do to flesh it out & give it real social form is a good thing
They understand that if we can inhabit & develop our mimetic models fully, in the daylight, young ppl will naturally follow & adopt them.
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