Dear fellow Muslims, we need to have a serious conversation about current events in the Balkans, which many of you are clueless about.

I know, a lot of you live under a rock and don’t follow the news and just live in your little ethnic bubble, but it’s time to wake up.
Muslims in Montenegrin SandĆŸak yesterday were attacked by violent barbaric Četnik hordes and their property was destroyed.

My friend @0takuCreep even had a friend of his attacked by the kafir mobs.

Yet, not a single Muslim who doesn’t have connections to the Balkans spoke out
It’s a similar situation to the coronavirus negligence in the Serbian occupied part of SandĆŸak by the Serbian regime back in July.

Most Muslims didn’t even bat an eyelid, until I started being super annoying about it and shoving it down everyone’s throats.
Either most Muslims are dumb and unaware or don’t care, or there’s not enough English language news sources reporting on these events.

And this is quite unacceptable, as a Muslim it’s your duty to know your fellow Muslims outside of your little ethnic clique.
All this noise and support for Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bangladesh, Uyghurs, Pakistan, Somalia, Palestine, and so on, and that’s all great, but hello, please wake up and know that there’s Muslims in the Balkans too who are being abused by filthy Serbian degenerates.
There are some Muslims who are semi-aware of the Balkans, but they think oppression of Muslims there was only during the 90s and now everything’s fine.

They think one Sunday morning after church in the 90s, the Serbs decided let’s go and shoot up as many Muslims as possible.
No, oppression of Balkan Muslims has been going on for hundreds of years and continues as I write this.

It didn’t start and end in the 90s, it wasn’t only in Srebrenica, and it shouldn’t only be remembered every July 11 and then forgotten about for 11 more months.
Milorad Dodik & his gang are constantly beating the drums of war & Serbs still hail their genocidal war criminals as heroes. The Greeks too are gloating over genocides of Muslims and literally wishing they could repeat it.

Oppression didn’t start & end in the 90s.
Wallahi it is disappointing the amount of carelessness and lack of sufficient knowledge amongst Muslims when it comes to events in the Balkans.

What will it take for you people to wake up ? Literal blood flowing on the streets ? Literal armed conflicts ?
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