Real-life story about the danger of @realDonaldTrump's conspiracy theories.

My parentals now live about eight miles south of a dink town called Crete in Illinois. Crete is maybe 35 miles from downtown Chicago. My mom's "NextDoor" "page," on Facebook, as she calls it /1
... warned two weeks ago that "rioters and looters" were going to, for no explicit reason, invade a random ex-burb accessible only by METRA to the end of the line and a 15-minute drive to cause chaos in this lterally sleepy town. (And potentially in their remote neighborhood.) /2
My point is, NextDoor is fucking evil. Always has been since I signed up 15 years ago in a different state and many 'hoods since. Nothing but gossip and fear, though I did once reunite a cat (in my alley) with his family. These LIES spread like wildfire (no offense, CA or CO). /3
Don't believe the hype. @realDonaldTrump is a LIAR. He needs to be imprisoned for many more reasons than twisting the minds of otherwise intelligent people. But he belongs in a FedPen, period.
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