My long standing healthcare goal is (or was) creating public funded access to lower cost treatments, like vaccines, with a focus on anything infectious/likely to cause externalities, and even more major injuries that if covered would help get people back to work, and on net/
/would pay themselves back through tax dollars. From there I wanted state coverage filling in the gaps for more serious treatments;

but all of this had to be in tandem with a federal blanket of new regulation targeting some of the most egregious monopolistic practices as/
/well as drug price spiking, extreme and flagrant abuse of already overly generous copyright laws through ā€œsupposedā€ NCEs, and reform on networking that created insurance:hospital disccordination that at its face runs counter to the very purpose of having a damn national currency
This is not a universal system on the federal level and itā€™d not function as an absolute single payer system from state to state but from the data I looked at I liked it best

But first, we need the regulatory regime to get serious cost cutting reform into place.
While Iā€™m still not sold on M4Aā€™s model which recklessly looks to dismantle all private insurance and keep intact some bad structures that still exist in Medicare payouts, it seems like even the public option crowd hasnā€™t really put forward much focus (much less legislation)/
/thatā€™ll carry out desperately needed reform. Because of this, and thanks to a lot of discussions Iā€™ve had with people on here, Iā€™ve slowly begun to side with the pro-universal healthcare contingent on twitter. God knows I have my complaints but for the most part theyā€™re/
/the ones seriously addressing failures in our healthcare system

If the Biden constituency ends up producing he goods I might shift back to the PO camp but for now itā€™s been far too scattershot and distracted
Now you might be thinking ā€œwait why on earth did you make this thread, is there something I didnā€™t hear aboutā€

No, nothing specific, which is why I wanted to update my views now, and not when thereā€™s a controversy so people know Iā€™m not just reactionary on this stuff
In any case, that probably means the šŸ§¦ might be added to my profile, thus once again proving Iā€™m a dirty shill who plays all sides
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