MCYTs in an apocalypse: a thread. (rts appreciated this took like a whole month to think of)
✅ =survives
❌ = dies
💙 = antidote maker
💜 = hunter/scavenger
🖤 = parental figure
💛 = fighter
💗 = no specific role
🤍 = actions influenced by trauma/incident
💚 = secretive
❤️ = bait
🧡 = jester
🤎 = recieved antidote
dream: protector of his group (george, sapnap, badboyhalo). dies by throwing himself in front of george to save him from getting mauled.❌💛🖤
george: confused the whole time. devistated by dream's death, but makes it to the end alive "for dream" as he constantly says.✅🤍💗
sapnap: out to whack some zombie ass. kills every zombie he can see. infected by whatever is turning people into zombies, hides it from everyone but bbh, gets antidote from bbh 🤎💛💚✅
badboyhalo (bbh): has secret ties with another group (spifey, skeppy, zelk, fin, vurb)
gets resources from them and brings them back to the DT when need be. eventually parts ways with the DT to be fully with the idots.💚🖤✅
spifey: dies immediately because he didnt know the apocalypse was happening💗❌
skeppy: quiet. too quiet. emotionally attatched to bbh (only one who knows hes sneaking out to give stuff to the dt) and protects him at all costs. gets close to dying, but from getting attacked from another group of survivors (technoblade, tommy, wilbur, philza)💚🤎❤️✅
zelk: similar to sapnap, out for blood. helf the time fighting zombies, half the time working on an antidote. the one who made the antidote that saved sapnap's life 💙💛✅
finn: somehow good at finding food. always comes back with food from various random locations. accused of having secret ties with someone else, killed for these accusations, even though the ties were useful to them💚❌💜
vurb: always causing conflict. mostly intentional. he's bored, give him a break. left behind to die when zombies raid the base.🧡❌
megapvp: mostly a loner, but often sees finn when finn is out getting food and almost always offers him berries as a sign of peace. when finn dies, he's hunted down, but spared and taken in and used to replace skeppy as bait. dies in a freak accident w/ zombies 🤍💜❤️💚❌
technoblade: calm. he knows what he's doing. has a plan for everything. always awake at night drinking tea on the balcony. stone cold towards others except for wilbur. 💚🤍💛✅
tommy: attacks every living creature he sees just to be safe. attacked skeppy. let him go due to the pure human-like fear in his eyes. changed after that moment. stuck to attacking obvious zombies. finds a loner later on and takes him in to be his new best friend. 🤎❤️💛🧡🤍✅
wilbur: the parent. keeps an eye on everyone, practically never sleeps. the only one who's actually seen techno slip up and let his emotions out, but was there to support him and help him. makes antidote w/ phil 💙🖤💚✅
philza: always sitting by the radio in hopes of news. just waiting to hear that some sort of military will help. tried to gather food once, but was traumatized when techno killed a deer for its meat and fur to make a blanket. never hunted since. makes antidote w/ will 💙🤍✅
tubbo: his group died at the very beginning. steps in a bear trap that someone left out to try to get food. tommy finds him and decides to help him at the last minute. they become close friends. dies at the end bc of an alergic reaction to the antidote, tommy by his side ❤️🤎🤍❌
fundy: he loves the thrill. always running through the forrest with a slingshot and a thick branch as his weapons. enjoys life like this because he feels like hes in a video game. loner. 💛💜❌
purpled: scared but brave. misses his parents, but keeps going because the fate of the world could be in his hands. finds gb80 in a store looking for supplies to bandage a broken ankle. gb80 immediately helps and takes him under his wing. in it together til the end 💛💚🤍💜✅
gamerboy80: oddly protective over purpled. didnt even know the guy at first glance, but quickly got close while helping him heal. constantly reminding purpled to stay off his foot as much as possible. meets astelic while desperately searching for food 🖤💛💜🤍✅
astelic: started off as a loner til she found gb80. gb80 wandered into astelic's general area desperately looking for nutritious food to give to purpled to help with the healing process. she almost attacked him, but when she saw he needed help, helps out and stuck by him 💙🖤🤍✅
if you think i should add anyone else, let me know who! these are all just the mc youtubers that i watch! <3
Nihachu: runs the last standing shop in town: a bakery. well, not so mych a bakery anymore. started selling berries and bandages in return for protection. most frequent customer was Wilbur. he always had a walkie talkie on hand to communicate with her if anything happened 💜💗✅
Quackity: confused as hell, but good at fighting. just kind of hits every zombie he sees. gets infected, but quickly saved by tommy taking him in and giving him the antidote phil had been working on. stayed allied with the sleepy boys but only talked when he needed help💛🤎✅
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