Last $STNG thread this week. Disclosure, I'm short $9-10 strike puts and I've lost more money on this stock than any in my life.

It's going down because people are selling it, like growth stocks are going up because people are buying them.
Is $STNG insolvent? No. Is $STNG a bankruptcy risk? No. Check this thread. Some others raise some concerns on covenants, but it's not clear there's an issue here or on what percentage of their many financing facilities.
I sold out of my (for me) very large $STNG position a while ago. But you know what, to this day I haven't seen a single thread or article which can illustrate exactly why the market hates $STNG so much. Unless fuel demand *never* recovers I don't get the despair.
Please, show me why $STNG deserves to be in the bottom 2% of equity performers YTD. I just can't figure it out. Show me why fuel demand won't continue to recover. Show me how $STNG will average under 12k TCE from here out (that's where I see them really eating dirt).
Yes, $STNG has some related party transactions. At least their G&A stuff (SSH) and crewing stuff (SSM) seems pretty reasonable. SCM seems like they could leave shareholders a bit more. Not what you like to see, but I don't think it's grievous.
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